Proactively Detect and Stop Emerging Attacks

Icon: Data security

Fortify Endpoint and Workload Protection

Legacy approaches fall short as cybercriminals update tactics and obscure their actions. Get advanced cybersecurity fueled by behavioral analytics to spot minor fluctuations and adapt in response.

Icon: Security roadmap

Recognize New Threats

Analyze attackers’ behavior patterns to detect and stop never-before-seen attacks with continuous endpoint activity data monitoring. Don’t get stuck analyzing only what’s worked in the past.

Icon: Datastore security

Simplify Your Security Stack

Streamline the response to potential incidents with a unified endpoint agent and console. Minimize downtime responding to incidents and return critical CPU cycles back to the business.

VMware Explore Registration Is Open

Discover the center of the multi-cloud universe in Las Vegas August 21 – 24.

VMware Carbon Black XDR is Here

Modernize Your Security Operations Center (SOC) with XDR.

VMware Carbon Black Cloud by the Numbers


ROI over 3 years


Hours saved per security incident


Of customers saw significant improvement in security efficacy

VMware Carbon Black Cloud Features

Icon: Shield with check mark

Next-Gen Antivirus and Behavioral EDR

Analyze attacker behavior patterns over time to detect and stop never-before-seen attacks, whether they are malware, fileless or living-off-the-land attacks.

Icon: Cloud with up and down arrows

Managed Alert Monitoring and Triage

Gain 24-hour visibility from our expert security operations analysts who provide validation, context into root cause, and automated monthly executive reporting.

Icon : Shield

Real-Time Audit and Remediation

Easily assess your current system state to track and harden the security posture of all your protected devices.

Solve Your Toughest Security Challenges

Illustration: Bar chart

Detection and Response

Respond quickly with alert monitoring and triage services. Gain insight and guidance into threat remediation and quarantine by communicating with MDR analysts. 

Illustration: Data centers, clouds and app icons

Threat Intelligence

Combine custom and third-party sources of threat intelligence with our world-class cloud analytics for the clearest possible view of the threat landscape.

Image: Cloud with app and container icons

Ransomware Protection

Upgrade to a modern, cloud native solution that offers crucial protection from today’s most widespread and advanced ransomware attacks.

Detection and Response
Illustration: Bar chart

Detection and Response

Respond quickly with alert monitoring and triage services. Gain insight and guidance into threat remediation and quarantine by communicating with MDR analysts. 

Threat Intelligence
Illustration: Data centers, clouds and app icons

Threat Intelligence

Combine custom and third-party sources of threat intelligence with our world-class cloud analytics for the clearest possible view of the threat landscape.

Image: Cloud with app and container icons

Ransomware Protection

Upgrade to a modern, cloud native solution that offers crucial protection from today’s most widespread and advanced ransomware attacks.

Learn, Evaluate, Implement


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