

Increase productivity by allowing employees to complete work tasks from the personal device that never leaves their side.

  • Enable employees to access any app from the convenience of their own mobile device with VMware Workspace ONE
  • Give users access to critical business apps through a single catalog across any device
  • Automatically authenticate users for all apps at once with mobile single sign-on
  • Provide frictionless access to company email, calendar, contacts, content repositories and intranet sites with our suite of consumer-simple mobile productivity apps.

Secure your corporate data while maintaining privacy for employees and their personal information.

  • Leverage native OS platform features without managing the device
  • The VMware Privacy First framework provides controls to IT to enforce company-specific privacy policies
  • Encrypt and remotely wipe corporate data leaving personal info untouched
  • Built-in privacy app educates users about work data separation to increase BYOD program adoption

Once your BYOD strategy is in place, education is your best tool for increasing adoption.

  • Drive employee adoption with customizable BYOD program communication assets
  • Enable users with easy self-service onboarding workflows
  • Provide IT support for employees with questions and concerns via documentation, a help desk or IT clinics


Why Workspace ONE?

Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) technology now powers VMware Workspace ONE, an integrated platform for the digital workspace.

Hands-on Lab: Getting Started with Workspace ONE

Explore the features and functionality of our integrated digital workspace platform from the comfort of your browser.


Enterprise mobility management (EMM)  is a device- and platform-agnostic solution that centralizes the management, configuration and security of all devices in an organization, both BYO and corporate-owned. EMM goes beyond traditional device management to include the management and configuration of enterprise apps and content.

A comprehensive EMM solution will include MDM MAM mobile content management (MCM) identity management  for access control, and productivity apps  for easy access to corporate email, calendar, contacts, content repositories and intranet sites. When done right, an EMM solution should supply both the technical capabilities to simplify management and security for IT as well as a pleasant user experience for the employee.

Mobile device management (MDM)  is a device lifecycle management technology that enables IT to deploy, configure, manage, support and secure mobile devices through MDM profiles installed on the devices. MDM software provides asset inventory, over-the- air configuration of email, apps and Wi-Fi, remote troubleshooting, and remote lock and wipe capabilities to secure the device and the enterprise data on it. MDM is the foundation of a comprehensive enterprise mobility management (EMM)  solution.

Unified endpoint management (UEM)  enables IT to stop using separate tools to manage mobile, desktop and now Internet of Things (IoT) devices. UEM solutions provide a holistic and user-centric approach to managing all endpoints by combining traditional client management of desktop and PC systems with a modern enterprise mobility management (EMM) framework. A comprehensive UEM solution will enable IT to manage users and deliver a consistent experience across all endpoints, secure and manage the full device lifecycle, and do it all in a single, comprehensive platform.

Bring your own device (BYOD)  is an IT policy that allows employees to use their personal devices for work purposes. EMM platforms enable organizations to implement a BYOD strategy without sacrificing security or employee privacy by providing separation of work and personal data on the device. This separation allows IT to manage and secure only the work data on an employee-owned device. If a device is ever compromised or when an employee leaves the company, IT is able to remove only the work-related data, leaving the personal items on the device intact.

Ready to Get Started?